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U četvrtak 29. svibnja 2014. na blagdan Uzašašća Gospodinova bit će u crkvi sv. Martina u Zagrebu služena tradicionalna latinska misa u redovitom terminu u 11,30 sati.
Prema trenutnim informacijama, zbog odsutnosti svećenika neće biti tradicionalne mise u sv. Martinu u nedjelje 8.6.2014., 15.6.2014. i 29.6.2014. U ostale nedjelje i na Tijelovo misa bi se trebala održati. U slučaju promjena, bit ćete obaviješteni.
Nadbiskup Puljić osvrnuo se i na izbore za Europski parlament koji će se održati od 22. do 25. svibnja. Istaknuo je da, imajući u vidu pravo i dužnost svih izići na izbore, biskupi potiču vjernike neka prema savjetu iz Staroga zavjeta "biraju ljude sposobne, bogobojazne i pouzdane" (Izl 18, 21). "Jer, ako se ne izvršava dužnost biranja i glasovanja, onda se neodgovorno prepušta drugima da odlučuju o pitanjima koja se tiču zajedničke budućnosti. Biskupi stoga pozivaju sve neka pristupe izborima s moralnom i društvenom sviješću i odgovornošću. Time, naime, daju učinkovit doprinos daljnjem razvoju naše domovine Hrvatske i EU-a", zaključio je nadbiskup Puljić.Premda nisam mislio ići na izbore jer sam glasao protiv ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku Uniju, a i općenito mislim da u tim europskim institucijama jedini zarade svoju plaću prevoditelji, ipak ću ove nedjelje glasovati. Naime, poziv biskupa nije posebno teško ispuniti, a ako njih veseli, zašto ne?
U srijedu, 21.5. u 12.30 u crkvi sv. Filipa Nerija služit će se tradicionalna latinska misa.Nadam se da će bar neki čitatelji iz Splita uspjeti prisustvovati misi iako je ovako kasno oglašena.
Q: Why is New Jersey called the Garden State? A: Because Oil, Petrolium, Nuclear, Land Fill, & Toxic Waste State Didn't fit on a license plate! Q. What's the difference between a Rider University sorority sister and a scarecrow? A. One lives in a field and is stuffed with hay. The other frightens birds and small animals.)Možda i bolje, čini se kao jako simpatična gospođa i dok mi zastajemo na predzadnjoj postaji našeg hodočašća, crkvi sv. Marije na Dolcu ona nastavlja dalje.
On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Friday 14th September, His Excellency Monsignor Martin Charlesworth visited the Shrine Church of St Joseph at Medjugorje to receive into the Province of Europe the Superior and Community of the Cistercians of St Joseph led by Fra. Andrijā-Bonifacije Škulić O.Cist.SJ. The Community had been in preliminary dialogue with His Grace Archbishop Douglas Lewins of the ORCC/GB and it was felt appropriate for the Community to be received into the ORCCE. Msgr Charlesworth and Fra. Škulić O.Cist.SJ spent the entire day in prayer and conversation before Fra. Škulić’s oath of Canonical Obedience was received by Monsignor on behalf of theMetropolitan Archbishop before the Blessed Sacrament in the Shrine Church.Taj njihov vođa Andrija Škulić je koliko vidim prevarant. Ne znam je li mu ovo ā na kraju imena pokušaj da se zavara pretraživače. Nije začuđujuće da ta heretička šizmatička zajednica traži postulante, novce "za obnovu samostana", a negdje vidjeh da otvaraju i web shop. Pa odlučih ovo prenijeti da se ne bi tko od katolika zabunio i dao im.
On Wednesday 19th September, His Excellency Monsignor +Széles Tamás of the Old Catholic Mission in Hungary, as an act of fraternal charity having received Letters Dimissorial from the Metropolitan Archbishop and having graciously acceded to His Grace’s request, ordained Fra. Škulić O.Cist.SJ as a Deacon on the Metropolitan’s behalf in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in Budapest. Msgr Charlesworth witnessed the Ordination and celebrated the Mass of Ember. Fra. Andrew-Boniface had served in the Police in Croatia as a martial arts / defensive instructor; he is a martial arts expert. Fra. Škulić was in Germany training and teaching when he joined the Pallotineswith whom he received his formation and academic qualifications in theology and philosophy. When the war of independence broke out he was recalled to Croatia. After the war he started work in sales, representing Chimay Trappist beer and an energy drink and living a semi-monastic life.
Later, Fra. Andrew-Boniface was joined by the Community’s other professed brother, Fra. John and Fra. Peter and together they acquired a former monastery, a shell after the war and have embarked on a great project of rebuilding. It is in Zadar [...]