Ivan Mažuranić
Što da Ti dam, o dobri Bože moj,
Za preveliko milosrđe Tvoje?
Prebogat Ti si, vas ov svijet je Tvoj,
A moji grijesi sve su imanje moje.
Za dare Tvoje što da Tebi dam?
Čim dug da platim Tebi? ja ne znam.
Moj Spasitelju, blagi Isuse,
U žrtvu Ocu Ti sam sebe dade;
A što da ja dam? moji grijesi se
Prot meni koče, proti meni rade.
Jaganjče božji, to mi s ramena,
Ah, grešno skini breme strvena.
Ne zdvoji, dušo moja, ah, ne zdvoj,
Bog tvoj se otac milostivan zove;
Svog Sina radi bit će otac tvoj
I riješit će te on nezgode ove:
Za oplakane prima ukore
On, dobar otac, žrtvu pokore.
Ovu pjesmu sam našao negdje na internetu pa pretpostavljam da je ovo prigodno mjesto da ubacimo još malo duhovne lirike:
In Her mantle, kept to dwell, Our dear Lady blessed Marcel
The Queen lamenting, warned about; a time of scourges deserved
Perversions abound, Faith in doubt, Our Lord Jesus Christ not served
Alas, in sweetness, She points out, The Prelate of priesthood preserved
Forming men, loyal and devout; with venerable ways conserved.
The Lord’s precepts he kept well, was His faithful son, Marcel
The Holy Virgin in tears foretold; scarcely could one have conceived
Apostasy set forth so bold, that even Rome be deceived
But made in Athanasius mold; A Prelate who keeps Faith received
For all Tradition to uphold; confirming all Truth believed.
A Prince who the Church will tell, a good Pastor was Marcel
The Mother spoke in secret lock; in children’s ear was given
Ministers neglect Christ’s stock; from the path of Life are riven
One Shepherd who from harm does block; this Prelate leads sheep to Heaven
Generously he feeds the flock; by his staff are gently driven.
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