Sljedeći tekst je engleski prijevod, a francuski original sadrži dodatne informacije i anegdote, pa vam preporučujem da ga pogledate.
Father Louis Bouyer : Even the good things in the liturgical reform were applied in a way that made them dead letter. Never has the religion of priests or their absence of religion been imposed in such an impertinent way on the laity.
I wrote to the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, to tender my resignation as member of the Commission charged with the Liturgical Reform. The Holy Father sent for me at once:Father Bouyer : That is, my dear friends, how the liturgical reform was done!
Paul VI : Father, you are an unquestionable and unquestioned authority by your deep knowledge of the Church's liturgy and Tradition, and a specialist in this field. I do not understand why you have sent me your resignation, whilst your presence, is more than precious, it is indispensable!
Father Bouyer : Most Holy Father, if I am a specialist in this field, I tell you very simply that I resign because I do not agree with the reforms you are imposing! Why do you take no notice of the remarks we send you, and why do you do the opposite?
Paul VI : But I don't understand: I'm not imposing anything. I have never imposed anything in this field. I have complete trust in your competence and your propositions. It is you who is sending me proposals. When Fr. Bugnini comes to see me, he says: Here is what the experts are asking for. And as you are an expert in this matter, I accept your judgement.
Father Bouyer : And meanwhile, when we have studied a question, and have chosen what we can propose to you, in conscience, Father Bugnini took our text, and, then said to us that, having consulted you: The Holy Father wants you to introduce these changes into the liturgy. And since I don't agree with your propositions, because they break with the Tradition of the Church, then I tender my resignation.
Paul VI : But not at all, Father, believe me, Father Bugnini tells me exactly the contrary: I have never refused a single one of your proposals. Father Bugnini came to find me and said: "The experts of the Commission charged with the Liturgical Reform asked for this and that". And since I am not a liturgical specialist, I tell you again, I have always accepted your judgement. I never said that to Monsignor Bugnini. I was deceived. Father Bugnini deceived me and deceived you.
Ne mogu vjerovati da je to tako funkcioniralo... zašto se Pavao VI uopće toliko oslanjao na Bugninija?
OdgovoriIzbrišiNemam pojma. On je bio clan komisije za reformu liturgije jos za pontifikata Pija XII.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMozda ti ovaj clanak iz 1989. malo osvijetli situaciju (no obrati paznju na naslov!).